Our Motto: Tell me and I’ll forget; Teach me and I remember; Involve me and I learn.
The members of the Students’ Council were elected by their peers during the PSCD lessons. The members meet regularly with their coordinator Ms. Tania Ristović and together they come up with ideas and projects for the scholastic year. We have a notice board to keep the educators and students informed about what’s going on in our meetings.
This year’s activities: Some of the members served as ushers during the Celebration Day, took part in the European Day of Languages, organized a dress up for Book Character Day, planned and distributed various items related to book week and displayed them on a notice board in the school entrance . We keep a constant communication with the Head of School and explain our roles and projects. The final activity for this year is going to be Flag Day, where we are going to celebrate diversity and also give something back to the people who are less fortunate.