Help Us Save The Turtles


During Scholastic Year 2018-2019 our school won funds from Kreattiv, managed by the Malta Arts Council. Our project was called Marinus and we concentrated on endangered marine life, mainly turtles.

Year 6 students did research about this subject and they presented it to their peers in class together with crafts, charts and other creations done by the students.

They also visited the Turtle Rehabilitation Centre managed by Nature Trust where they could see how turtles are being cured. Many of these turtles end up in danger because they get trapped or because of the plastics they swallow. Students had time to understand the disaster plastic is causing in our seas and the effects it is having on marine life. On another visit to the Malta National Aquarium they had a presentation and workshops where they could enter more in detail about this subject.

The artistic part of this project was the creation of mural about marine life. Students visited Alka Ceramics where they worked and created the marine creatures to be used on this mural but also somethings for themselves to keep as a souvenir about this project. Then at school they painted their creations that were finalized and put at the entrance of our school foyer.

Our celebration day was also related to this project and we started the campaign ‘Help Us Save The Turtles’. We produced a play and our special guests were the Ninja Turtles. On that day we also launched the finished mural, a work of art by our Year 6 students. At the end of our campaign we collected €750 that were donated to Nature Trust for the Turtle Rehabilitation Centre.

This project was a very interesting experience for all the school.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira